Problem Solving with Algorithms



These problems may require you to implement a given interface of a class, and may involve using one or more data structures. These are great exercises to improve your data structure skills.


We recommend:

Shuffle an Array

Min Stack.


384. Shuffle an Array



The solution expects that we always use the original array to shuffle() else some of the test cases fail. (Credits; @snehasingh31)


해결책은 우리가 항상 원래 배열을 사용하여 shuffle ()을 사용하고 그렇지 않으면 일부 테스트 케이스가 실패 할 것으로 예상합니다. (크레딧; @ snehasingh31)



Initial Thoughts

Normally I would display more than two approaches, but shuffling is deceptively easy to do almost properly, and the Fisher-Yates algorithm is both the canonical solution and asymptotically optimal.

A few notes on randomness are necessary before beginning - both approaches displayed below assume that the languages' pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) are sufficiently random. The sample code uses the simplest techniques available for getting pseudorandom numbers, but for each possible permutation of the array to be truly equally likely, more care must be taken. For example, an array of length n has n! distinct permutations. Therefore, in order to encode all permutations in an integer space, \lceil lg(n!)\rceil bits are necessary, which may not be guaranteed by the default PRNG.



Approach #1 Brute Force [Accepted]


If we put each number in a "hat" and draw them out at random, the order in which we draw them will define a random ordering.


The brute force algorithm essentially puts each number in the aforementioned "hat", and draws them at random (without replacement) until there are none left. Mechanically, this is performed by copying the contents of array into a second auxiliary array named aux before overwriting each element of array with a randomly selected one from aux. After selecting each random element, it is removed from aux to prevent duplicate draws. The implementation of reset is simple, as we just store the original state of nums on construction.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that an element (without loss of generality) is equally likely to be selected during all iterations of the for loop. To prove this, observe that the probability of a particular element e being chosen on the kth iteration (indexed from 0) is simply P(e being chosen during the kth iteration)\cdot P(e not being chosen before the kth iteration). Given that the array to be shuffled has n elements, this probability is more concretely stated as the following:

\frac{1}{n-k} \cdot \prod_{i=1}^{k} \frac{n-i}{n-i+1}

When expanded (and rearranged), it looks like this (for sufficiently large k):

(\frac{n-1}{n} \cdot \frac{n-2}{n-1} \cdot (\ldots) \cdot \frac{n-k+1}{n-k+2} \cdot \frac{n-k}{n-k+1}) \cdot \frac{1}{n-k}

For the base case (k = 0), it is trivial to see that \frac{1}{n-k} = \frac{1}{n}. For k > 0, the numerator of each fraction can be cancelled with the denominator of the next, leaving the n from the 0th draw as the only uncancelled denominator. Therefore, no matter on which draw an element is drawn, it is drawn with a \frac{1}{n} chance, so each array permutation is equally likely to arise.


class Solution:
    def __init__(self, nums):
        self.array = nums
        self.original = list(nums)

    def reset(self):
        self.array = self.original
        self.original = list(self.original)
        return self.array

    def shuffle(self):
        aux = list(self.array)

        for idx in range(len(self.array)):
            remove_idx = random.randrange(len(aux))
            self.array[idx] = aux.pop(remove_idx)

        return self.array


Complexity Analysis

  • Time complexity : \mathcal{O}(n^2)

    The quadratic time complexity arises from the calls to list.remove (or list.pop), which run in linear time. n linear list removals occur, which results in a fairly easy quadratic analysis.

  • Space complexity : \mathcal{O}(n)

    Because the problem also asks us to implement reset, we must use linear additional space to store the original array. Otherwise, it would be lost upon the first call to shuffle.

Approach #2 Fisher-Yates Algorithm [Accepted]


We can cut down the time and space complexities of shuffle with a bit of cleverness - namely, by swapping elements around within the array itself, we can avoid the linear space cost of the auxiliary array and the linear time cost of list modification.


The Fisher-Yates algorithm is remarkably similar to the brute force solution. On each iteration of the algorithm, we generate a random integer between the current index and the last index of the array. Then, we swap the elements at the current index and the chosen index - this simulates drawing (and removing) the element from the hat, as the next range from which we select a random index will not include the most recently processed one. One small, yet important detail is that it is possible to swap an element with itself - otherwise, some array permutations would be more likely than others. To see this illustrated more clearly, consider the animation below:


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class Solution:
    def __init__(self, nums):
        self.array = nums
        self.original = list(nums)

    def reset(self):
        self.array = self.original
        self.original = list(self.original)
        return self.array

    def shuffle(self):
        for i in range(len(self.array)):
            swap_idx = random.randrange(i, len(self.array))
            self.array[i], self.array[swap_idx] = self.array[swap_idx], self.array[i]
        return self.array


Complexity Analysis

  • Time complexity : 

    The Fisher-Yates algorithm runs in linear time, as generating a random index and swapping two values can be done in constant time.

  • Space complexity : 

    Although we managed to avoid using linear space on the auxiliary array from the brute force approach, we still need it for reset, so we're stuck with linear space complexity.




155. Min Stack







Firstly, don't feel bad if you find this question a bit tricky! While it's one of the easier data structure design questions, it's still one of Leetcode's more difficult "easy" questions, requiring some clever observations and problem-solving techniques.

Now, here's a few things to keep in mind before we get started.

  • Make sure that you read the question carefully. The getMin(...) operation only needs to return the value of the minimum, it does not remove items from the MinStack.

  • We're told that all the MinStack operations must run in constant time, i.e. O(1) time. For this reason, we can immediately rule out the use of a Binary Search Tree or Heap. While these data structures are often great for keeping track of a minimum, their core operations (find, add, and remove) are O(\log \, n), which isn't good enough here! We will need to explore better ways.

  • Some people have mentioned on the discussion forums that the question doesn't say what to do in invalid cases. For example, what if you are told to pop(...), getMin(...), or top(...) while there are no values on your MinStack? Because the question doesn't say, here on Leetcode that means you can safely assume the test cases will always be valid. In a real interview though, you should always ask the interviewer before making assumptions. They will probably either say you can assume these cases won't happen, or that you should return -1 or throw an exception if they do.

  • Finally, there is the issue of whether or not it is "fair" to use a built-in Stack data structure as the basis of your MinStack implementation, or whether you should only use Lists or even Arrays. Because I don't think there is much advantage to using a built-in Stack here—you still need to figure out how to use it to achieve the minimum functionality—this solution article uses Stack's. Implementing an underlying Stack yourself shouldn't be too difficult, and is ideally something you already know how to do if you're working on this question.

Suggestion for further study: Once you've read through this guide and understood how to implement the MinStack class, have a go at writing a MaxStack class on your own to test your understanding! Don't simply copy-paste the MinStack code and attempt to modify it into the new role, instead write the MaxStack code without looking at the MinStack code again.


Approach 1: Stack of Value/ Minimum Pairs


An invariant is something that is always true or consistent. You should always be on the lookout for useful invariants when problem-solving in math and computer science.

Recall that with a Stack, we only ever add (push) and remove (pop) numbers from the top. Therefore, an important invariant of a Stack is that when a new number, which we'll call x, is placed on a Stack, the numbers below it will not change for as long as number x remains on the Stack. Numbers could come and go above x for the duration of x's presence, but never below.

So, whenever number x is the top of the Stack, the minimum will always be the same, as it's simply the minimum out of x and all the numbers below it.

Therefore, in addition to putting a number on an underlying Stack inside our MinStack, we could also put its corresponding minimum value alongside it. Then whenever that particular number is at the top of the underlying Stack, the getTop(...) operation of MinStack is as simple as retrieving its corresponding minimum value.

So, how can we actually determine what the corresponding minimum for our new number is? (in (O(1) time). Have a look at the diagram above. All the minimum values are equal to either the minimum value immediately before, or the actual stack value alongside.

Therefore, when we put a new number on the underlying Stack, we need to decide whether the minimum at that point is the new number itself, or whether it's the minimum before. It makes sense that it would always be the smallest of these two values.

Here is an animation showing the entire algorithm described above.



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Note for Python: Recall that index -1 refers to the last item in in a list. i.e. self.stack[-1] in Python is equivalent to stack.peek() in Java and other languages.



class MinStack {
    private Stack<int[]> stack = new Stack<>();
    public MinStack() { }
    public void push(int x) {
        /* If the stack is empty, then the min value
         * must just be the first value we add. */
        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
            stack.push(new int[]{x, x});
        int currentMin = stack.peek()[1];
        stack.push(new int[]{x, Math.min(x, currentMin)});
    public void pop() {
    public int top() {
        return stack.peek()[0];
    public int getMin() {
        return stack.peek()[1];




Complexity Analysis

Let n be the total number of operations performed.

  • Time Complexity : O(1) for all operations.

    push(...): Checking the top of a Stack, comparing numbers, and pushing to the top of a Stack (or adding to the end of an Array or List) are all O(1) operations. Therefore, this overall is an O(1) operation.

    pop(...): Popping from a Stack (or removing from the end of an Array, or List) is an O(1) operation.

    top(...): Looking at the top of a Stack is an O(1) operation.

    getMin(...): Same as above. This operation is O(1) because we do not need to compare values to find it. If we had not kept track of it on the Stack, and instead had to search for it each time, the overall time complexity would have been O(n).

  • Space Complexity : O(n).

    Worst case is that all the operations are push. In this case, there will be O(2 \cdot n) = O(n) space used.


Approach 2: Two Stacks


There's another, somewhat different approach to implementing a MinStack. Approach 1 required storing two values in each slot of the underlying Stack. Sometimes though, the minimum values are very repetitive. Do we actually need to store the same minimum value over and over again?

Turns out we don't—we could instead have two Stackss inside our MinStack. The main Stack should keep track of the order numbers arrived (a standard Stack), and the second Stack should keep track of the current minimum. We'll call this second Stack the "min-tracker" Stack for clarity.

The push(...) method for this implementation of MinStack is straightforward. Items should always be pushed onto the main Stack, but they should only be pushed onto the min-tracker Stack if they are smaller than the current top of it. Well, that's mostly correct. There's one potential pitfall here that we'll look at soon.

MinStack's two getter methods, top(...) and getMin(...) are also straightforward with this approach. top(...) returns (but doesn't remove) the top value of the main Stack, whereas getMin(...) returns (but doesn't remove) the top of the min-tracker Stack.

This leaves us still needing to implement MinStack's pop(...) method. The value we actually need to pop is always on the top of the main underlying Stack. However, if we simply popped it from there, the min-tracker Stack would become incorrect once its top value had been removed from the main Stack.

A logical solution would be to do the following additional check and modification to the min-tracker Stack when MinStack's pop(...) method is called.

If top of main_stack == top of min_tracker_stack: min_tracker_stack.pop()

This way, the new minimum would now be the top of the min-tracker Stack. If you're confused about why this is, think back to the previous approach, and remember when the minimum changed.

Here is an animation showing the algorithm so far.



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As hinted to above though, there's a potential pitfall with the implementation of MinStack's push(...) method. Consider this situation.



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While 6 was already at the top of the min-tracker Stack, we pushed another 6 onto the MinStack. Because this new 6 was equal to the current minimum, it didn't change what the current minimum was, and therefore wasn't pushed. At first, this worked okay.

The problem occurred though when we started calling pop(...) on MinStack. When the most recent 6 was pop'ed, the condition for popping the min-tracker Stack too was triggered (i.e. that both internal stacks have the same top). This isn't what we wanted though—it was the earlier 6 that triggered the push(...) onto the min-tracker Stack, not the latter one! The 6 should have been left alone with that first pop(...).

The way we can solve this is a small modification to the MinStack's push(...) method. Instead of only pushing numbers to the min-tracker Stack if they are less than the current minimum, we should push them if they are less than or equal to it. While this means that some duplicates are added to the min-tracker Stack, the bug will no longer occur. Here is another animation with the same test case as above, but the bug fixed.






class MinStack {

    private Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
    private Stack<Integer> minStack = new Stack<>();
    public MinStack() { }
    public void push(int x) {
        if (minStack.isEmpty() || x <= minStack.peek()) {
    public void pop() {
        if (stack.peek().equals(minStack.peek())) {
    public int top() {
        return stack.peek();

    public int getMin() {
        return minStack.peek();


Complexity Analysis

Let n be the total number of operations performed.

  • Time Complexity : O(1) for all operations.

    Same as above. All our modifications are still O(1).

  • Space Complexity : O(n).

    Same as above.


Approach 3: Improved Two Stacks

해쉬맵카운터 같은것을 응용하여 같은 min이 스택에 무한정 쌓이지는 않도록 하는것



In the above approach, we pushed a new number onto the min-tracker Stack if, and only if, it was less than or equal to the current minimum.

One downside of this solution is that if the same number is pushed repeatedly onto MinStack, and that number also happens to be the current minimum, there'll be a lot of needless repetition on the min-tracker Stack. Recall that we put this repetition in to prevent a bug from occurring (refer to Approach 2).

An improvement is to put pairs onto the min-tracker Stack. The first value of the pair would be the same as before, and the second value would be how many times that minimum was repeated. For example, this is how the min-tracker Stack for the example just above would appear.

The push(...) and pop(...) operations of MinStack need to be slightly modified to work with the new representation.




class MinStack {

    private Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
    private Stack<int[]> minStack = new Stack<>();
    public MinStack() { }
    public void push(int x) {
        // We always put the number onto the main stack.
        // If the min stack is empty, or this number is smaller than
        // the top of the min stack, put it on with a count of 1.
        if (minStack.isEmpty() || x < minStack.peek()[0]) {
            minStack.push(new int[]{x, 1});
        // Else if this number is equal to what's currently at the top
        // of the min stack, then increment the count at the top by 1.
        else if (x == minStack.peek()[0]) {
    public void pop() {
        // If the top of min stack is the same as the top of stack
        // then we need to decrement the count at the top by 1.
        if (stack.peek().equals(minStack.peek()[0])) {
        // If the count at the top of min stack is now 0, then remove
        // that value as we're done with it.
        if (minStack.peek()[1] == 0) {
        // And like before, pop the top of the main stack.
    public int top() {
        return stack.peek();

    public int getMin() {
        return minStack.peek()[0];



Complexity Analysis

Let n be the total number of operations performed.

  • Time Complexity : O(1) for all operations.

    Same as above.

  • Space Complexity : O(n).

    Same as above.



easy라고 되있지만 살짝 당황스러움 O(N), O(N)은 가능하나, O(LOGN)/O(1)은..?


솔루션으로 제시된 파이썬 코드를 파이썬 3으로 돌리면 오류가 있어 수정하였다(오류부분으 주석처리 하였으니 참고)

파이썬 버전에 관련된것이다.

class MaxStack(list):
    def push(self, x):
        # m = max(x, self[-1][1] if self else None)
        m = max(x, self[-1][1] if self else x)
        self.append((x, m))

    def pop(self):
        return list.pop(self)[0]

    def top(self):
        return self[-1][0]

    def peekMax(self):
        return self[-1][1]
    def popMax(self):
        m = self[-1][1]
        b = []
        while self[-1][0] != m:

        # map(self.push, reversed(b))
        for item in reversed(b):
        return m




239. Sliding Window Maximum








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