Google에서는 사용자들을 위해서 여러 가지 서비스를 개발하지만, 동시에 전문가들에 의한 친절한 강의도 무료로 제공합니다. 오늘은 구글에서 제공하는 강의 및 자격증 플랫폼인 SkillShop에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. SkillShop에 접속해서 둘러보기 아래의 주소로 구글 스킬숍에 접속하시면, Google의 업무 도구를 익힐 수 있는 무료 온라인 교육을 들으실 수 있습니다. 링크: 아래로 스크롤을 조금 내리면 현재 어떤 과정을 제공하는지 볼 수 있습니다. 현재 한국어로 총 10개의 과정을 제공하고 있고, 맨 밑으로 스크롤을 내려 최하단의 메뉴를 영어로 바꿔보시면, 영어로는 약 두배의 과정을 제공하는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 실제 어떤 방식으로 ..
Join us for the next Ionic Launch Event Hi, You’re invited to the Ionic Launch Event September 28, 2021. We’ll be covering a lot of great product updates and even a few new launches! Register for free Topics for this event will include: Sneak peek at Ionic 6 Capacitor and Stencil updates The latest native solutions added to our portfolio Our newest product that will enable teams to embed any web..
This is how I got 1 million Facebook followers I've been using Facebook for years. One thing that has been consistent is unless you spend money on ads, it's hard to grow. But that doesn't mean all hope is lost. There is still a way to grow without ads. It's how I did it. Here are the exact 6 steps you need to follow (step 5 is optional): Go through this overview on Facebook marketing. (takes 7 m..
What technology should you learn next? Many of the emails I receive from Educative’s learners are asking what programming language or technology they should learn to land a job at a big company. It’s a somewhat hard question to answer. The reason is that the most appropriate answer is "follow your passion and learn what excites you the most." Of course, the downside of this answer is that it doe..
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Hey! TechLead here. Thanks for signing up and here's your free video: And to learn more about our full program on getting a tech job at a big tech company: Cheers, TechLead Stuck at home? Here's a "STAYHOME" sale for software engineer interview training for an extra 40% off. Here's the link, enjoy: https://t..
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Gain the knowledge needed for the official Google Cloud certification exams. Did you know that 87% of Google Cloud-certified individuals are more confident about their cloud skills? It’s true! And, in collaboration with Google Cloud, we’ve just added three new Professional Certificate programs to our existing Google Cloud catalog to help you gain the knowledge for the Google Cloud certification ..
Learn superior Hybrid Cloud skills with industry experts Our new Hybrid Cloud Engineer Nanodegree program enables you to work at the forefront of cloud technology, designing and deploying the cloud infrastructure solutions preferred by large and midsize companies across industries. In a series of real-world projects, you'll work with Nutanix’s industry leading software to configure the different..
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Hacktoberfest is all about spreading the love for open source software, and your contributions this month demonstrated a significant commitment to our cause—but, can we ask one more favor? Share the love. Show others what you've accomplished and spread the word about Hacktoberfest. Be an inspiration to someone else who's thinking about how they can leave their mark, or introduce a complete begin.. Soft Skills Engineering It takes more than great code to be a great engineer. Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly advice podcast for software developers about the non-technical stuff that goes into being a great software developer. 요즘 즐겨듣는 팟캐스트.. 개발자들이 회사생활하면서 겪는 고민을 사연으로 접수하여 상담을 해준다. 영어.
Advanced LinkedIn Marketing Tactics Can you guess how many visitors I get per month from LinkedIn? 34,592 in the last 30 days. Best of all, I did it without spending a dollar on ads. I just used these advanced LinkedIn hacks. Now if you want more effective LinkedIn strategies, check these out: How to generate sales from LinkedIn How I do marketing on LinkedIn If you missed any of the other previ.. Life is both a game of chance and a game of skill. Those who master it don’t just know its rules, but also play a long game. This week’s selection spills unexpected secrets from successful people—some are late bloomers with the patience to let their potential unfold gradually, others know that the path to success is often squiggly rather than linear, and some even quite li..
Conveying tone accurately in writing can be tricky even for the most seasoned writers. But it’s essential to effective communication. It can make the difference between a sincere congratulations email and one that comes across as mildly sarcastic. With the latest Grammarly Premium update, we made sure to put our full suite of tone-related tools right at your fingertips. Just click the green G in.. 영어공부법 : Blinkist + Google 번역기 Blinkist 라고, 영어로 책을 요약해서 오디오와 텍스트를 제공해주는 서비스를 이용하고 있다. 하루에 1개... Shortcasts do what Blinkist does best Shortcasts take the key ideas from a podcast and highlight the most useful, actionable, interesting, and helpful insights. We add award-winning audio design, and put them together into powerful 15-minute listens—s..
Happy Hallowstream! Treat yourself to something wickedly wonderful, from The Nightmare Before Christmas to Hocus Pocus. It's all screaming - er, streaming now. 해피 홀로우스트림! '크리스마스 전 악몽'부터 '호쿠스 포커스'까지 사악하게 멋진 것을 대접하라. 모두 비명을 지르고 있어. 음, 지금 스트리밍 하고 있어. The Mandalorian and the Child continue their journey, facing enemies and rallying allies as they make their way through a dangerous galaxy. 만달로리아인과 아이.. 수익형 블로그 운영 노하우 블로그를 개설을 막 개설하였거나, '수익형 블로그'에 대한 전반적인 감을 잡고 싶으신 분들은 아래의 글을 먼저 읽어보시길 추천드립니다 :) 초보도 할수 있는 수익형 블로그 티스토리 관리와
Google Cloud의 플래그십 이벤트인 Next ‘20의 방대한 내용 중 한국 고객 여러분을 위해 엄선한 콘텐츠를 전달 드리는 3일간의 온라인 컨퍼런스 Google Cloud Next OnAir Recap: Seoul이 바로 오늘부터 시작됩니다. 일시: 10월 21일 (수) - 23일 (금), 오전 10시-4시 장소: 여러분이 원하시는 곳 (온라인) 키노트와 다양한 인더스트리 솔루션 및 고객 사례를 만나보실 수 있는 Day 1, 다양한 기술 세션으로 구성된 Day 2, Day 3가 여러분을 기다립니다. 지금 등록하시고 시청해주세요. Next OnAir Recap: Seoul 참가자만을 위한 속성 Cloud Study Jam도 준비되어 있습니다. 지금 행사에 참여하시고, Cloud Study Jam도 ..
You don't need a college degree to be a marketer. You can get good by just practicing. Or by reading blogs like mine. Or if you need some hand-holding, get a certification. Here are 10 certifications that will make you stand out and give you the experience you need. Give them a try... we have our team take a lot them... it's worth it. Cheers, Neil Patel
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Start your journey Welcome to the next generation of Google Analytics. You've just created a new type of Analytics property, a more intelligent Analytics experience that delivers the essential customer insights you need to be ready for whatever comes next. This next generation experience will take your digital analytics to a whole new level. • It's built with machine learning at its core to auto..
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