Problem Solving with Algorithms



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215. Kth Largest Element in an Array


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Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.

Example 1:

Input: [3,2,1,5,6,4] and k = 2 Output: 5

Example 2:

Input: [3,2,3,1,2,4,5,5,6] and k = 4 Output: 4

You may assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ array's length.





Approach 0: Sort

The naive solution would be to sort an array first and then return kth element from the end, something like sorted(nums)[-k] on Python. That would be an algorithm of \mathcal{O}(N \log N) time complexity and \mathcal{O}(1) space complexity. This time complexity is not really exciting so let's check how to improve it by using some additional space.

Approach 1: Heap

The idea is to init a heap "the smallest element first", and add all elements from the array into this heap one by one keeping the size of the heap always less or equal to k. That would results in a heap containing k largest elements of the array.

The head of this heap is the answer, i.e. the kth largest element of the array.

The time complexity of adding an element in a heap of size k is \mathcal{O}(\log k), and we do it N times that means \mathcal{O}(N \log k) time complexity for the algorithm.

In Python there is a method nlargest in heapq library which has the same \mathcal{O}(N \log k) time complexity and reduces the code to one line.

This algorithm improves time complexity, but one pays with \mathcal{O}(k) space complexity.



4 / 11


class Solution {
    public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
        // init heap 'the smallest element first'
        PriorityQueue<Integer> heap =
            new PriorityQueue<Integer>((n1, n2) -> n1 - n2);

        // keep k largest elements in the heap
        for (int n: nums) {
          if (heap.size() > k)

        // output
        return heap.poll();        



class Solution:
    def findKthLargest(self, nums, k):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type k: int
        :rtype: int
        return heapq.nlargest(k, nums)[-1]



Complexity Analysis

  • Time complexity : \mathcal{O}(N \log k).
  • Space complexity : \mathcal{O}(k) to store the heap elements.

Approach 2: Quickselect

This textbook algorthm has \mathcal{O}(N) average time complexity. Like quicksort, it was developed by Tony Hoare, and is also known as Hoare's selection algorithm.

The approach is basically the same as for quicksort. For simplicity let's notice that kth largest element is the same as N - kth smallest element, hence one could implement kth smallest algorithm for this problem.

First one chooses a pivot, and defines its position in a sorted array in a linear time. This could be done with the help of partition algorithm.

To implement partition one moves along an array, compares each element with a pivot, and moves all elements smaller than pivot to the left of the pivot.

As an output we have an array where pivot is on its perfect position in the ascending sorted array, all elements on the left of the pivot are smaller than pivot, and all elements on the right of the pivot are larger or equal to pivot.

Hence the array is now split into two parts. If that would be a quicksort algorithm, one would proceed recursively to use quicksort for the both parts that would result in \mathcal{O}(N \log N) time complexity. Here there is no need to deal with both parts since now one knows in which part to search for N - kth smallest element, and that reduces average time complexity to \mathcal{O}(N).

Finally the overall algorithm is quite straightforward :

  • Choose a random pivot.

  • Use a partition algorithm to place the pivot into its perfect position pos in the sorted array, move smaller elements to the left of pivot, and larger or equal ones - to the right.

  • Compare pos and N - k to choose the side of array to proceed recursively.

! Please notice that this algorithm works well even for arrays with duplicates.


import java.util.Random;
class Solution {
  int [] nums;

  public void swap(int a, int b) {
    int tmp = this.nums[a];
    this.nums[a] = this.nums[b];
    this.nums[b] = tmp;

  public int partition(int left, int right, int pivot_index) {
    int pivot = this.nums[pivot_index];
    // 1. move pivot to end
    swap(pivot_index, right);
    int store_index = left;

    // 2. move all smaller elements to the left
    for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
      if (this.nums[i] < pivot) {
        swap(store_index, i);

    // 3. move pivot to its final place
    swap(store_index, right);

    return store_index;

  public int quickselect(int left, int right, int k_smallest) {
    Returns the k-th smallest element of list within left..right.

    if (left == right) // If the list contains only one element,
      return this.nums[left];  // return that element

    // select a random pivot_index
    Random random_num = new Random();
    int pivot_index = left + random_num.nextInt(right - left); 
    pivot_index = partition(left, right, pivot_index);

    // the pivot is on (N - k)th smallest position
    if (k_smallest == pivot_index)
      return this.nums[k_smallest];
    // go left side
    else if (k_smallest < pivot_index)
      return quickselect(left, pivot_index - 1, k_smallest);
    // go right side
    return quickselect(pivot_index + 1, right, k_smallest);

  public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) {
    this.nums = nums;
    int size = nums.length;
    // kth largest is (N - k)th smallest
    return quickselect(0, size - 1, size - k);



class Solution:
    def findKthLargest(self, nums, k):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type k: int
        :rtype: int
        def partition(left, right, pivot_index):
            pivot = nums[pivot_index]
            # 1. move pivot to end
            nums[pivot_index], nums[right] = nums[right], nums[pivot_index]  
            # 2. move all smaller elements to the left
            store_index = left
            for i in range(left, right):
                if nums[i] < pivot:
                    nums[store_index], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[store_index]
                    store_index += 1

            # 3. move pivot to its final place
            nums[right], nums[store_index] = nums[store_index], nums[right]  
            return store_index
        def select(left, right, k_smallest):
            Returns the k-th smallest element of list within left..right
            if left == right:       # If the list contains only one element,
                return nums[left]   # return that element
            # select a random pivot_index between 
            pivot_index = random.randint(left, right)     
            # find the pivot position in a sorted list   
            pivot_index = partition(left, right, pivot_index)
            # the pivot is in its final sorted position
            if k_smallest == pivot_index:
                 return nums[k_smallest]
            # go left
            elif k_smallest < pivot_index:
                return select(left, pivot_index - 1, k_smallest)
            # go right
                return select(pivot_index + 1, right, k_smallest)

        # kth largest is (n - k)th smallest 
        return select(0, len(nums) - 1, len(nums) - k)




  • Time complexity : \mathcal{O}(N) in the average case, \mathcal{O}(N^2) in the worst case.
  • Space complexity : \mathcal{O}(1).



자매품, 역시 매우 중요한 문제.



973. K Closest Points to Origin


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We have a list of points on the plane.  Find the K closest points to the origin (0, 0).

(Here, the distance between two points on a plane is the Euclidean distance.)

You may return the answer in any order.  The answer is guaranteed to be unique (except for the order that it is in.)


Example 1:

Input: points = [[1,3],[-2,2]], K = 1 Output: [[-2,2]] Explanation: The distance between (1, 3) and the origin is sqrt(10). The distance between (-2, 2) and the origin is sqrt(8). Since sqrt(8) < sqrt(10), (-2, 2) is closer to the origin. We only want the closest K = 1 points from the origin, so the answer is just [[-2,2]].

Example 2:

Input: points = [[3,3],[5,-1],[-2,4]], K = 2 Output: [[3,3],[-2,4]] (The answer [[-2,4],[3,3]] would also be accepted.)



  1. 1 <= K <= points.length <= 10000
  2. -10000 < points[i][0] < 10000
  3. -10000 < points[i][1] < 10000





Approach 1: Sort


Sort the points by distance, then take the closest K points.



There are two variants.

In Java, we find the K-th distance by creating an array of distances and then sorting them. After, we select all the points with distance less than or equal to this K-th distance.

In Python, we sort by a custom key function - namely, the distance to the origin. Afterwards, we return the first K elements of the list.


class Solution(object):
    def kClosest(self, points, K):
        points.sort(key = lambda P: P[0]**2 + P[1]**2)
        return points[:K]





Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(N \log N), where N is the length of points.

  • Space Complexity: O(N).

Approach 2: Divide and Conquer


We want an algorithm faster than N \log N. Clearly, the only way to do this is to use the fact that the K elements returned can be in any order -- otherwise we would be sorting which is at least N \log N.

Say we choose some random element x = A[i] and split the array into two buckets: one bucket of all the elements less than x, and another bucket of all the elements greater than or equal to x. This is known as "quickselecting by a pivot x".

The idea is that if we quickselect by some pivot, on average in linear time we'll reduce the problem to a problem of half the size.



Let's do the work(i, j, K) of partially sorting the subarray (points[i], points[i+1], ..., points[j]) so that the smallest K elements of this subarray occur in the first K positions (i, i+1, ..., i+K-1).

First, we quickselect by a random pivot element from the subarray. To do this in place, we have two pointers i and j, and move these pointers to the elements that are in the wrong bucket -- then, we swap these elements.

After, we have two buckets [oi, i] and [i+1, oj], where (oi, oj) are the original (i, j) values when calling work(i, j, K). Say the first bucket has 10 items and the second bucket has 15 items. If we were trying to partially sort say, K = 5 items, then we only need to partially sort the first bucket: work(oi, i, 5). Otherwise, if we were trying to partially sort say, K = 17 items, then the first 10 items are already partially sorted, and we only need to partially sort the next 7 items: work(i+1, oj, 7).




class Solution(object):
    def kClosest(self, points, K):
        dist = lambda i: points[i][0]**2 + points[i][1]**2

        def sort(i, j, K):
            # Partially sorts A[i:j+1] so the first K elements are
            # the smallest K elements.
            if i >= j: return

            # Put random element as A[i] - this is the pivot
            k = random.randint(i, j)
            points[i], points[k] = points[k], points[i]

            mid = partition(i, j)
            if K < mid - i + 1:
                sort(i, mid - 1, K)
            elif K > mid - i + 1:
                sort(mid + 1, j, K - (mid - i + 1))

        def partition(i, j):
            # Partition by pivot A[i], returning an index mid
            # such that A[i] <= A[mid] <= A[j] for i < mid < j.
            oi = i
            pivot = dist(i)
            i += 1

            while True:
                while i < j and dist(i) < pivot:
                    i += 1
                while i <= j and dist(j) >= pivot:
                    j -= 1
                if i >= j: break
                points[i], points[j] = points[j], points[i]

            points[oi], points[j] = points[j], points[oi]
            return j

        sort(0, len(points) - 1, K)
        return points[:K]


Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(N) in average case and O(N^2) in the worst case, where N is the length of points.

  • Space Complexity: O(N).





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