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Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

Level up your coding skills. No more passive learning. Interactive in-browser environments keep you engaged and test your progress as you go.



Grokking the System Design Interview

Estimated completion time: 20h

Certificate Included



Design Gurus








Code Snippets




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Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

Level up your coding skills. No more passive learning. Interactive in-browser environments keep you engaged and test your progress as you go.





Course Overview

System design questions have become a standard part of the software engineering interview process. Performance in these interviews reflects upon your ability to work with complex systems and translates into the position and salary the interviewing company offers you. Most engineers struggle with the system design interview (SDI), partly because of their lack of experience in developing large-scale systems and partly because of the unstructured nature of SDIs. Even engineers who’ve some experience building such systems aren't comfortable with these interviews, mainly due to the open-ended nature of design problems that don't have a standard answer. This course is a complete guide to master the SDIs. It is created by hiring managers who’ve been working at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon. We've carefully chosen a set of questions that have not only been repeatedly asked at top companies, but also provide a thorough experience to handle any system design problem. Let’s get started!



시스템 설계 질문은 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 인터뷰 프로세스의 표준 부분이되었습니다. 이 인터뷰의 성과는 복잡한 시스템으로 작업 할 수있는 능력을 반영하고 인터뷰 회사가 제공하는 직위와 급여로 변환됩니다. 대부분의 엔지니어는 부분적으로는 대규모 시스템 개발 경험이 부족하고 부분적으로는 SDI의 구조화되지 않은 특성으로 인해 시스템 설계 인터뷰 (SDI)에 어려움을 겪습니다. 이러한 시스템을 구축 한 경험이있는 엔지니어조차도 이러한 인터뷰에 익숙하지 않습니다. 주로 표준 답변이없는 설계 문제의 개방형 특성 때문입니다. 이 과정은 SDI를 마스터하기위한 완전한 가이드입니다. Google, Facebook, Microsoft 및 Amazon에서 근무한 관리자를 고용하여 만듭니다. 우리는 일류 기업에서 반복적으로 질문을 받았을뿐만 아니라 모든 시스템 설계 문제를 처리 할 수있는 철저한 경험을 제공하는 일련의 질문을 신중하게 선택했습니다. 시작하자!



1. System Design Problems


  1. System Design Interviews: A step by step guide
  2. Designing a URL Shortening service like TinyURL
  3. Designing Pastebin
  4. Designing Instagram
  5. Designing Dropbox
  6. Designing Facebook Messenger
  7. Designing Twitter
  8. Designing Youtube or Netflix
  9. Designing Typeahead Suggestion
  10. Designing an API Rate Limiter
  11. Designing Twitter Search
  12. Designing a Web Crawler
  13. Designing Facebook’s Newsfeed
  14. Designing Yelp or Nearby Friends
  15. Designing Uber backend
  16. Design Ticketmaster
  17. Additional Resources



2. Glossary of System Design Basics


  1. System Design Basics
  2. Key Characteristics of Distributed Systems
  3. Load Balancing
  4. Caching
  5. Data Partitioning
  6. Indexes
  7. Proxies
  8. Redundancy and Replication
  9. SQL vs. NoSQL
  10. CAP Theorem
  11. Consistent Hashing
  12. Long-Polling vs WebSockets vs Server-Sent Events




3. Appendix


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Grokking the System Design Interview



This course has two parts. In the first part, we will make use of distributed system concepts to design a set of large scale systems – discussing different architectural pieces that are used to build such systems and describing tradeoffs between various choices. The second part contains a glossary of distributed systems basics.


이 과정은 두 부분으로 구성됩니다. 첫 번째 부분에서는 분산 시스템 개념을 사용하여 대규모 시스템 세트를 설계 할 것입니다. 이러한 시스템을 구축하는 데 사용되는 다양한 아키텍처 부분에 대해 논의하고 다양한 선택 사항 간의 균형을 설명합니다. 두 번째 부분에는 분산 시스템 기본에 대한 용어집이 포함되어 있습니다.




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Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

Level up your coding skills. No more passive learning. Interactive in-browser environments keep you engaged and test your progress as you go.




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