Problem Solving with Algorithms



API Server and Base Path

OAS 3 This page applies to OpenAPI 3 – the latest version of the OpenAPI Specification. If you use OpenAPI 2 (fka Swagger), visit OpenAPI 2 pages. API Server and Base URL All API endpoints are relative to the base URL. For example, assuming the base URL




Basic Structure

OAS 3 This page applies to OpenAPI 3 – the latest version of the OpenAPI Specification. If you use OpenAPI 2 (fka Swagger), visit OpenAPI 2 pages. Basic Structure You can write OpenAPI definitions in YAML or JSON. In this guide, we use only YAML examples


OpenAPI Specification - Version 3.0.3 | Swagger

OpenAPI Specification Version 3.0.3 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC2119 RF



Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the OAS. All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the API unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.Fixed Fields

Field NameTypeDescription

schemas Map[string, Schema Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Schema Objects.
responses Map[string, Response Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Response Objects.
parameters Map[string, Parameter Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Parameter Objects.
examples Map[string, Example Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Example Objects.
requestBodies Map[string, Request Body Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Request Body Objects.
headers Map[string, Header Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Header Objects.
securitySchemes Map[string, Security Scheme Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Security Scheme Objects.
links Map[string, Link Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Link Objects.
callbacks Map[string, Callback Object | Reference Object] An object to hold reusable Callback Objects.

This object MAY be extended with Specification Extensions.

All the fixed fields declared above are objects that MUST use keys that match the regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$.

Field Name Examples:

  1. User
  2. User_1
  3. User_Name
  4. user-name

Components Object Example

  1. "components": {
  2. "schemas": {
  3. "GeneralError": {
  4. "type": "object",
  5. "properties": {
  6. "code": {
  7. "type": "integer",
  8. "format": "int32"
  9. },
  10. "message": {
  11. "type": "string"
  12. }
  13. }
  14. },
  15. "Category": {
  16. "type": "object",
  17. "properties": {
  18. "id": {
  19. "type": "integer",
  20. "format": "int64"
  21. },
  22. "name": {
  23. "type": "string"
  24. }
  25. }
  26. },
  27. "Tag": {
  28. "type": "object",
  29. "properties": {
  30. "id": {
  31. "type": "integer",
  32. "format": "int64"
  33. },
  34. "name": {
  35. "type": "string"
  36. }
  37. }
  38. }
  39. },
  40. "parameters": {
  41. "skipParam": {
  42. "name": "skip",
  43. "in": "query",
  44. "description": "number of items to skip",
  45. "required": true,
  46. "schema": {
  47. "type": "integer",
  48. "format": "int32"
  49. }
  50. },
  51. "limitParam": {
  52. "name": "limit",
  53. "in": "query",
  54. "description": "max records to return",
  55. "required": true,
  56. "schema" : {
  57. "type": "integer",
  58. "format": "int32"
  59. }
  60. }
  61. },
  62. "responses": {
  63. "NotFound": {
  64. "description": "Entity not found."
  65. },
  66. "IllegalInput": {
  67. "description": "Illegal input for operation."
  68. },
  69. "GeneralError": {
  70. "description": "General Error",
  71. "content": {
  72. "application/json": {
  73. "schema": {
  74. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GeneralError"
  75. }
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  79. },
  80. "securitySchemes": {
  81. "api_key": {
  82. "type": "apiKey",
  83. "name": "api_key",
  84. "in": "header"
  85. },
  86. "petstore_auth": {
  87. "type": "oauth2",
  88. "flows": {
  89. "implicit": {
  90. "authorizationUrl": "",
  91. "scopes": {
  92. "write:pets": "modify pets in your account",
  93. "read:pets": "read your pets"
  94. }
  95. }
  96. }
  97. }
  98. }
  99. }
  1. components:
  2. schemas:
  3. GeneralError:
  4. type: object
  5. properties:
  6. code:
  7. type: integer
  8. format: int32
  9. message:
  10. type: string
  11. Category:
  12. type: object
  13. properties:
  14. id:
  15. type: integer
  16. format: int64
  17. name:
  18. type: string
  19. Tag:
  20. type: object
  21. properties:
  22. id:
  23. type: integer
  24. format: int64
  25. name:
  26. type: string
  27. parameters:
  28. skipParam:
  29. name: skip
  30. in: query
  31. description: number of items to skip
  32. required: true
  33. schema:
  34. type: integer
  35. format: int32
  36. limitParam:
  37. name: limit
  38. in: query
  39. description: max records to return
  40. required: true
  41. schema:
  42. type: integer
  43. format: int32
  44. responses:
  45. NotFound:
  46. description: Entity not found.
  47. IllegalInput:
  48. description: Illegal input for operation.
  49. GeneralError:
  50. description: General Error
  51. content:
  52. application/json:
  53. schema:
  54. $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeneralError'
  55. securitySchemes:
  56. api_key:
  57. type: apiKey
  58. name: api_key
  59. in: header
  60. petstore_auth:
  61. type: oauth2
  62. flows:
  63. implicit:
  64. authorizationUrl:
  65. scopes:
  66. write:pets: modify pets in your account
  67. read:pets: read your pets


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