Problem Solving with Algorithms



Welcome to Weekly Contest 224! Feel free to share and post your contest experience here!

You can also view the rankings for the contest here.

Links to the individual problems are included below:

Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square (3 points)

Tuple with Same Product (4 points)

Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements (5 points)

Cat and Mouse II (7 points)


Comparing to the last 10 contests, Q1: easier than usual, 46.05% acceptance; Q2: average difficulty, 29.32% acceptance; Q3: harder than usual, 11.49% acceptance; Q4: hardest among the last 40 contests, 0.41% acceptance. I compile past contest data to provide a data-driven way to assess problem difficulty. See more at:
(Acceptance rate is calculated with caveats detailed in the spreadsheet.)






1725. Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square


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You are given an array rectangles where rectangles[i] = [li, wi] represents the ith rectangle of length li and width wi.

You can cut the ith rectangle to form a square with a side length of k if both k <= li and k <= wi. For example, if you have a rectangle [4,6], you can cut it to get a square with a side length of at most 4.

Let maxLen be the side length of the largest square you can obtain from any of the given rectangles.

Return the number of rectangles that can make a square with a side length of maxLen.


Example 1:

Input: rectangles = [[5,8],[3,9],[5,12],[16,5]] Output: 3 Explanation: The largest squares you can get from each rectangle are of lengths [5,3,5,5]. The largest possible square is of length 5, and you can get it out of 3 rectangles.

Example 2:

Input: rectangles = [[2,3],[3,7],[4,3],[3,7]] Output: 3



  • 1 <= rectangles.length <= 1000
  • rectangles[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= li, wi <= 109
  • li !=

What is the length of the largest square the can be cut out of some rectangle? It'll be equal to min(rectangle.length, rectangle.width). Replace each rectangle with this value.

Calculate maxSize by iterating over the given rectangles and maximizing the answer with their values denoted in the first hint.

Then iterate again on the rectangles and calculate the number whose values = maxSize.



1726. Tuple with Same Product


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Given an array nums of distinct positive integers, return the number of tuples (a, b, c, d) such that a * b = c * d where a, b, c, and d are elements of nums, and a != b != c != d.


Example 1:

Input: nums = [2,3,4,6] Output: 8 Explanation: There are 8 valid tuples: (2,6,3,4) , (2,6,4,3) , (6,2,3,4) , (6,2,4,3) (3,4,2,6) , (4,3,2,6) , (3,4,6,2) , (4,3,6,2)

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,2,4,5,10] Output: 16 Explanation: There are 16 valids tuples: (1,10,2,5) , (1,10,5,2) , (10,1,2,5) , (10,1,5,2) (2,5,1,10) , (2,5,10,1) , (5,2,1,10) , (5,2,10,1) (2,10,4,5) , (2,10,5,4) , (10,2,4,5) , (10,2,4,5) (4,5,2,10) , (4,5,10,2) , (5,4,2,10) , (5,4,10,2)

Example 3:

Input: nums = [2,3,4,6,8,12] Output: 40

Example 4:

Input: nums = [2,3,5,7] Output: 0



  • 1 <= nums.length <= 1000
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 104
  • All elements in nums are distinct.

Note that all of the integers are distinct. This means that each time a product is formed it must be formed by two unique integers.

Count the frequency of each product of 2 distinct numbers. Then calculate the permutations formed.





1727. Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements


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You are given a binary matrix matrix of size m x n, and you are allowed to rearrange the columns of the matrix in any order.

Return the area of the largest submatrix within matrix where every element of the submatrix is 1 after reordering the columns optimally.


Example 1:

Input: matrix = [[0,0,1],[1,1,1],[1,0,1]] Output: 4 Explanation: You can rearrange the columns as shown above. The largest submatrix of 1s, in bold, has an area of 4.

Example 2:

Input: matrix = [[1,0,1,0,1]] Output: 3 Explanation: You can rearrange the columns as shown above. The largest submatrix of 1s, in bold, has an area of 3.

Example 3:

Input: matrix = [[1,1,0],[1,0,1]] Output: 2 Explanation: Notice that you must rearrange entire columns, and there is no way to make a submatrix of 1s larger than an area of 2.

Example 4:

Input: matrix = [[0,0],[0,0]] Output: 0 Explanation: As there are no 1s, no submatrix of 1s can be formed and the area is 0.



  • m == matrix.length
  • n == matrix[i].length
  • 1 <= m * n <= 105
  • matrix[i][j] is 0 or 1.

For each column, find the number of consecutive ones ending at each position.

For each row, sort the cumulative ones in non-increasing order and "fit" the largest submatrix.

1728. Cat and Mouse II


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A game is played by a cat and a mouse named Cat and Mouse.

The environment is represented by a grid of size rows x cols, where each element is a wall, floor, player (Cat, Mouse), or food.

  • Players are represented by the characters 'C'(Cat),'M'(Mouse).
  • Floors are represented by the character '.' and can be walked on.
  • Walls are represented by the character '#' and cannot be walked on.
  • Food is represented by the character 'F' and can be walked on.
  • There is only one of each character 'C', 'M', and 'F' in grid.

Mouse and Cat play according to the following rules:

  • Mouse moves first, then they take turns to move.
  • During each turn, Cat and Mouse can jump in one of the four directions (left, right, up, down). They cannot jump over the wall nor outside of the grid.
  • catJump, mouseJump are the maximum lengths Cat and Mouse can jump at a time, respectively. Cat and Mouse can jump less than the maximum length.
  • Staying in the same position is allowed.
  • Mouse can jump over Cat.

The game can end in 4 ways:

  • If Cat occupies the same position as Mouse, Cat wins.
  • If Cat reaches the food first, Cat wins.
  • If Mouse reaches the food first, Mouse wins.
  • If Mouse cannot get to the food within 1000 turns, Cat wins.

Given a rows x cols matrix grid and two integers catJump and mouseJump, return true if Mouse can win the game if both Cat and Mouse play optimally, otherwise return false.


Example 1:

Input: grid = ["####F","#C...","M...."], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 2 Output: true Explanation: Cat cannot catch Mouse on its turn nor can it get the food before Mouse.

Example 2:

Input: grid = ["M.C...F"], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 4 Output: true

Example 3:

Input: grid = ["M.C...F"], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 3 Output: false

Example 4:

Input: grid = ["C...#","...#F","....#","M...."], catJump = 2, mouseJump = 5 Output: false

Example 5:

Input: grid = [".M...","..#..","#..#.","C#.#.","...#F"], catJump = 3, mouseJump = 1 Output: true



  • rows == grid.length
  • cols = grid[i].length
  • 1 <= rows, cols <= 8
  • grid[i][j] consist only of characters 'C', 'M', 'F', '.', and '#'.
  • There is only one of each character 'C', 'M', and 'F' in grid.
  • 1 <= catJump, mouseJump <= 8

Try working backward: consider all trivial states you know to be winning or losing, and work backward to determine which other states can be labeled as winning or losing.






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