Problem Solving with Algorithms



Spiral Matrix II - LeetCode

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There are various problems in spiral matrix series with some variations like Spiral Matrix and Spiral Matrix III.

In order to solve such questions, the core idea is to decode the underlying pattern. This can be done by simulating the pattern and finding a generic representation that would work for any given n. Let's discuss a few approaches.

Approach 1: Traverse Layer by Layer in Spiral Form


If we try to build a pattern for a given n, we observe that the pattern repeats after completing one circular traversal around the matrix. Let's call this one circular traversal as layer. We start traversing from the outer layer and move towards inner layers on every iteration.


Let's devise an algorithm for the spiral traversal:

  • We can observe that, for any given n, the total number of layers is given by : \lfloor \frac{n+1}{2} \rfloor This works for both even and odd n.


For n = 3, layers = 2

For n = 6, total layers = 3

  • Also, for each layer, we traverse in at most 4 directions :

In every direction, either row or column remains constant and other parameter changes (increments/decrements).

Direction 1: From top left corner to top right corner.

The row remains constant as \text{layer} and column increments from \text{layer} to n-\text{layer}-1

Direction 2: From top right corner to the bottom right corner.

The column remains constant as n-layer-1 and row increments from \text{layer}+1 to n-\text{layer}.

Direction 3: From bottom right corner to bottom left corner.

The row remains constant as n-\text{layer}-1 and column decrements from n-\text{layer}-2 to \text{layer}.

Direction 4: From bottom right corner to top left corner.

The column remains constant as \text{layer} and column decrements from n-\text{layer}-2 to \text{layer}+1.

This process repeats (n+1)/2 times until all layers are traversed.


class Solution {
    public int[][] generateMatrix(int n) {
        int[][] result = new int[n][n];
        int cnt = 1;
        for (int layer = 0; layer < (n + 1) / 2; layer++) {
            // direction 1 - traverse from left to right
            for (int ptr = layer; ptr < n - layer; ptr++) {
                result[layer][ptr] = cnt++;
            // direction 2 - traverse from top to bottom
            for (int ptr = layer + 1; ptr < n - layer; ptr++) {
                result[ptr][n - layer - 1] = cnt++;
            // direction 3 - traverse from right to left
            for (int ptr = layer + 1; ptr < n - layer; ptr++) {
                result[n - layer - 1][n - ptr - 1] = cnt++;
            // direction 4 - traverse from bottom to top
            for (int ptr = layer + 1; ptr < n - layer - 1; ptr++) {
                result[n - ptr - 1][layer] = cnt++;
        return result;


Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(n^2). Here, n is given input and we are iterating over n\cdot n matrix in spiral form.
  • Space Complexity: \mathcal{O}(1) We use constant extra space for storing cnt.

Approach 2: Optimized spiral traversal


Our main aim is to walk in a spiral form and fill the array in a particular pattern. In the previous approach, we used a separate loop for each direction. Here, we discuss another optimized to achieve the same result.


  • We have to walk in 4 directions forming a layer. We use an array dir that stores the changes in x and y co-ordinates in each direction.


In left to right walk ( direction #1 ), x co-ordinates remains same and y increments (x = 0, y = 1).

In right to left walk ( direction #3 ), x remains same and y decrements (x = 0, y = -1).

Using this intuition, we pre-define an array dir having x and y co-ordinate changes for each direction. There are a total of 4 directions as discussed in the previous approach.

  • The \text{row} and col variables represent the current x and y co-ordinates respectively. It updates based on the direction in which we are moving.

How do we know when we have to change the direction?

When we find the next row or column in a particular direction has a non-zero value, we are sure it is already traversed and we change the direction.

Let d be the current direction index. We go to next direction in array dir using (d+ 1) \% 4. Using this we could go back to direction 1 after completing one circular traversal from direction 1 to direction 4 .

It must be noted that we use floorMod in Java instead of modulo \% to handle mod of negative numbers. This is required because row and column values might go negative and using \% won't give desired results in such cases.


이 방법으로 풀었으나 내 코드와는 큰 차이가 있다. 여기서는 floorMod를 사용해 해당 셀이 이미 채워져 있다면 방향을 바꾸도록 했다.

class Solution {
    public int[][] generateMatrix(int n) {
        int[][] result = new int[n][n];
        int cnt = 1;
        int dir[][] = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}};
        int d = 0;
        int row = 0;
        int col = 0;
        while (cnt <= n * n) {
            result[row][col] = cnt++;
            int r = Math.floorMod(row + dir[d][0], n);
            int c = Math.floorMod(col + dir[d][1], n);

            // change direction if next cell is non zero
            if (result[r][c] != 0) d = (d + 1) % 4;

            row += dir[d][0];
            col += dir[d][1];
        return result;


Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(n^2). Here, n is given input and we are iterating over n\cdot n matrix in spiral form.
  • Space Complexity: \mathcal{O}(1) We use constant extra space for storing cnt.


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